Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Geology Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits
  • To train professionals with a profile based on Civil Engineering, Extraction of Mineral and Hydrogeological Resources and the Environment.
  • To enable students to undertake numerous activities associated with prospecting and researching natural resources; to design, plan and carry out prospecting for oil, natural gas, underground water and underground fluid injection; to plan and execute special foundations and to conduct geotechnical, topographical, economic assessment, planning and safety studies.

Graduates will be equipped to enter companies that study the design of hazard prevention plans for natural geological hazards and hazards caused by human activity, and to enter engineering disciplines that study the location of temporary or permanent disposal sites for urban, industrial, toxic or dangerous waste.

Specialisation The degree includes a single itinerary which will give students a specialisation in Exploration and Mineral Prospecting.
Course Contents Course Contents
Study Centre School of Mining and Energy Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
C/ Ríos Rosas, 21
28003 Madrid
91 336 70 71
Web Page www.minasyenergia.upm.es