Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Civil Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits
  • To train professionals to have wide-ranging scientific, technological and socioeconomic knowledge, qualified to work in the development and application of technologies in Construction, Hydrology and Urban Services in the field of Civil Engineering.
  • To enable students to understand the numerous technical and legal conditioning factors that come into play in the construction of public works.
  • To train students to use proven methods and accredited technologies in order to achieve greater efficiency in construction while respecting the environment and protecting the health and safety of workers and users associated with public works.

Students may choose from three itineraries, each of which will allow them to obtain two specialisations:

  • Civil Constructions and Transport and Urban Services.
  • Civil Constructions and Hydrology.
  • Hydrology and Transport and Urban Services.
Study Centre School of Civil Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
Alfonso XII, 3 y 5
28014 Madrid
91 336 77 30
Web Page http://www.ingenieriacivil.upm.es/