Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits

To train professionals capable of:

  • Designing, directing and coordinating all the activities associated with managing the entire process in the life of a product.
  • Applying industrial design innovatively to generate added value for products and increase their competitiveness by highlighting the brand and range of design and providing new solutions for use, assembly, maintenance and repair and new responses to consumer functions or requirements.
  • Applying new methods and theories and adapting to new situations, on the basis of wide-ranging training in fundamental and technological areas.
Specialisation Students will follow a single itinerary or specialisation.
Study Centre School of Industrial Design and Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
Ronda de Valencia nº 3
28012 Madrid
91 336 76 99
Web Page www.etsidi.upm.es