Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Agricultural and Food Industry Technology

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits

To train professionals capable of:

  • Contributing to the competitiveness and sustainability of the industrial activities of companies involved in the supply chains of agri-food products, through management, control and ongoing improvement of processes, application of technologies available on the market and participation in technological development and innovation initiatives undertaken by companies.
  • Taking on responsibilities associated with directing and managing production in companies in the enology or dairy sector, depending on the type of studies followed.
  • Identifying, assessing and introducing the latest advances in food technology and company organisation. Proposing solutions that help to improve food safety and public health.
  • Promoting and introducing strategic plans in companies in the agri-food sector.
  • Learning about and applying knowledge of core science and technologies to the practice of Food Technology and Company Organisation.
Specialisation The degree includes three specialisations: Dairy Industries, Enology, and Food Quality.
Study Centre University School of Technical Agricultural Engineering
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Complutense, nº 3 Campus Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid
91 336 54 00
Web Page www.agricolas.upm.es/