Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Chemical Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits

To train professionals to have:

  • Knowledge of energy and mass balances, biotechnology, mass transfer, separation operations, chemical reaction engineering, reactor design, and assessment and processing of raw materials and energy resources.
  • The ability to analyse, design, simulate and optimise processes and products.
  • The ability to design and manage processes of applied experimentation, particularly for determining thermodynamic and transport properties, and to model phenomena and systems in the field of chemical engineering, systems with fluid flows, heat transmission, mass transfer operations, kinetics of chemical reactions and reactors.
  • The ability to design, manage and operate simulation, control and instrumentation procedures of chemical processes.
Specialisation The degree includes two itineraries which, from the first year, are studied separately at each study centre.
Study Centre

School of Industrial Design and Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
Ronda de Valencia nº 3
28012 Madrid
91 336 76 99

School of Industrial Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
C/ José Gutierrez Abascal, 2
28006 Madrid
91 336 30 60

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