Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Telecommunications Technology and Services Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits
  • To analyse, design, implement, operate and manage systems, networks, services, equipment, components and processes in the field of Information and Communications Technologies.
  • To carry out measurements, calculations, valuations, assessments, expert appraisals, studies, reports, task planning and similar work in their specific field of telecommunications.
  • To enable students to draw up, undertake and sign projects in the field of telecommunications engineering of which the purpose is, in accordance with the knowledge they have acquired, the conception and development or utilisation of telecommunications and electronic networks, services and applications.
Specialisation The proposed degree consists of one general itinerary or specialisation; i.e. it aims to cover the fundamental knowledge of the specific technologies and four itineraries that will give access to the regulated profession of Technical Telecommunications Engineer within its specialisations: Telecommunications Systems, Audio and Visual, Telematics and Electronic Systems.
Study Centre School of Telecommunications Engineering
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Complutense, nº 30 Campus Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid
91 549 57 00
Web Page www.etsit.upm.es/