Memorias de investigación
Proyecto de I+D+i:
VERITAS: Virtual and Augmented Environments and Realistic User Interactions To achieve Embedded Accessibility DesignS

Áreas de investigación


VERITAS aims to develop, validate and assess an open framework for built-in accessibility support at all stages of ICT and non-ICT product development, including specification, design, development and testing. The goal is to introduce simulation-based and VR testing at all stages of product design and development into the automotive, smart living spaces, workplace, infotainment and personal healthcare applications areas. The goal is to ensure that future products and services are being systematically designed for all people including those with disabilities and functional limitations. Specifically, VERITAS will develop:

  • An Open Simulation Platform (OSP) for testing at all development stages that will provide automatic simulation feedback and reporting for guideline/methodologies compliance and quality of service.
  • detailed virtual user physical, cognitive, behavioural and psychological models as well as the corresponding simulation models to support simulation and testing at all stages of product planning and development.
  • accessibility support tools at all the stages of iterative planning and development (i.e. specification, design, development, testing, evaluation) and for the five new application areas.
  • virtual simulation environments for ICT and non-ICT products offering tools for testing and verification mainly at the design stage but also during the development stages when links to ICT technologies are implemented.
  • a VR simulation environment for realistic and iterative testing providing simultaneous multimodal (visual, aural, etc.) feedback to the designer/developer as well as the potential for immersive realistic simulation and virtual persona testing (i.e. the developer taking the role of the end user).
  • a simulation environment that will support multimodal interface virtual testing in realistic scenarios that will offer the opportunity to fine tune and adapt these technologies to the specific application.
Tipo de proyecto
Proyectos y convenios en convocatorias públicas competitivas
Entidad financiadora
Comisión Europea
Nacionalidad Entidad
Tamaño de la entidad
Fecha concesión

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Participante: Juan Luis Villalar González UPM
  • Participante: Giuseppe Fico UPM
  • Participante: Marta Ortega Portillo UPM
  • Participante: Mª de las Mercedes Fernandez Rodriguez UPM
  • Participante: Antonella Arca . UPM
  • Participante: Diana Camila Diaz Contreras UPM
  • Director: Maria Fernanda Cabrera Umpierrez UPM
  • Participante: Cecilia Vera Muñoz UPM
  • Participante: Viveca Jimenez Mixco UPM
  • Participante: Ivo Ramos Maia Martins UPM
  • Participante: Héctor Marfull Verdoy UPM
  • Participante: Maria del Pilar Pinilla Criado UPM

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: No seleccionado
  • Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de tecnología Biomédica CTB
  • Grupo de Investigación: Life Supporting Technologies (Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Vida)
  • Departamento: Tecnología Fotónica y Bioingeniería