Memorias de investigación
Capítulo de libro:
Water and food security in Latin America and the Caribbean: regional opportunities to cope with global challenges

Áreas de investigación
  • Agricultura,
  • Economía agraria

The world has never been so globalized and interconnected as today. Advances in transportation, logistics, telecommunications and global production systems have attained unprecedented levels of economic integration. Agricultural commodities are transported across hemispheres and trade makes consumers believe that food production no longer respects the traditional seasons. Thanks to technological progress, increasing production specialization, and the wide dissemination of scientific knowledge, world food systems have become more integrated and developed than ever before (Prakash, 2011). Despite these achievements, important questions still exist as to whether the world?s agriculture has the potential to feed a growing population, expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, unless significant improvements are made in production efficiency alongside the promotion of healthier consumption habits. In 2012, 870 million people were still suffering from hunger and malnutrition, equivalent to nearly 12.5% of the global population (FAO, WFP and IFAD, 2012). Furthermore, somewhat ironically, today there are more people overweight than people suffering from hunger globally. According to WHO (2013), in 2008 1.4 billion people were overweight, of which nearly 500 million were obese.
Edición del Libro
Editorial del Libro
Título del Libro
Water for Food and Wellbeing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Social and Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy
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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Economía Agraria y Gestión de los Recursos Naturales
  • Departamento: Economía Agraria, Estadística y Gestión de Empresas
  • Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios Medioambientales (CEIGRAM). Centro Mixto UPM-AGROMUTUA-ENESA