Memorias de investigación
Dirección del trabajo Fin de Master: ' HIV-1 subtype B molecular evolution across antiretroviral regimes'

Áreas de investigación
  • Virología

Higher HIV-1 evolutionary rates are commonly associated with faster disease progression and reduced ART viability. Knowing how HIV evolve under different regimens could help solving the eligibility criteria of the first line regimen of the paediatric patients. Forty-six patients with HIV-1 subtype B RT sequences available were enrolled in this study, being classified in two groups according to their first line regimen (Group 1: 2NRTI + 1PI vs. Group 2: 2NRTI+1NNRTI). Phylogenetic trees for HIV-1 sequences of both groups were constructed, and genetic diversity (as a proxy of the rate of virus evolution) and selection pressures (measured as the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions) of the virus populations were estimated. These two evolutionary parameters we compared between virus populations in Groups 1 and 2. These analyses were done considering the complete RT sequences and only positions associated with drug resistance (DRM). When the complete sequence of the RT was considered, group 1 virus population presented higher genetic diversity and weaker negative selection pressures than the virus population in Group 2 patients. The same non-significant trends were observed when only DRMs were considered. When regimen ART targets a unique region of the virus as retrotranscriptase (Group 2) it provides higher selective pressure than targeting multiple regions as retrotranscriptase and protease (Group 1) and this could be translated in lower diversity outcomes either in total or resistance positions of HIV-1 retrotranscriptase.
Universidad Politácnica de Madrid
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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Patología Vegetal
  • Departamento: Biotecnología - Biología Vegetal