Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Estimation of the distribution of reservoir peak outflows from the distribution of peak inflow data and reservoir characteristics

Áreas de investigación
  • Abastecimiento de agua

The flood frequency curve is one of the required inputs for flood protection plans. There are many methodologies that can be applied to estimate the flood frequency curve in natural conditions. However, if the area to protect is located downstream of a reservoir, the natural flood frequency curve is altered due to the effect of peak flow attenuation produced by reservoirs. The analysis of the problem requires the knowledge of the distribution of inflow hydrographs and usually involves modelling of the reservoir flood management rules, and therefore is very costly for preliminary or general flood protection plans. This paper presents a simplified methodology to estimate the attenuation of peak flows produced by reservoirs in a given region. The methodology is based on results obtained from the analysis of a large number of reservoir configurations in 22 dam sites located in Spain. The analysis shows that the attenuation coefficient (ratio of peak outflow to peak inflow) can be estimated from the reservoir routing coefficient (ratio of the inflow hydrograph volume for a given return period to the reservoir flood control volume). This coefficient is easily computed from usually available information and can be applied to estimate the peak flow attenuation effect in most reservoirs. The presented methodology can be applied in preliminary studies of flood protection to estimate how a given reservoir changes the inflow flood frequency curve
Nombre congreso
33rd IAHR Congress
Tipo de participación
Lugar del congreso
Vancouver, canada
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Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Participante: Antonio Jiménez CEDEX
  • Participante: Dunia Patricia González Zeas UPM (Becaria)
  • Participante: Álvaro Sordo Ward UPM (Becario homologado)
  • Autor: Luis Maria Garrote De Marcos UPM

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Hidroinformática y Gestión del Agua
  • Departamento: Ingeniería Civil: Hidráulica y Energética