Memorias de investigación
Proyecto de I+D+i:
CLEAR - 224985

Áreas de investigación
  • Medicina

The Project proposes the implementation of a Telerehabilitation service in four Member States of the European Union (IT, ES, NL, PL). The ambition is to convert the project, after its completion, to a European platform for Telerehabilitation, and to contribute to the harmonization of e-health services in the EU. CLEAR is a fundamental step in helping doctors treating patients who seek health treatment in a comfortable environment, including home, under supervision of a specialized team. It intends to set up an innovative e-Health service based on the development of protocols for rehabilitation and chronic disease management therapies, which can be implemented at home following well defined procedures under the control of the medical staff. Such a service has huge potential to: a) improve the quality of life of patients (reduced need to go to healthcare centres); b) improve the effectiveness and use of resources of healthcare centres (increasing the ability to treat more patients at the same time). This service will lead the healthcare professionals to a significant reduction of time spent per patient and, as a consequence, to a potential savings in money. The project, based on technological mature applications developed mainly within the ¿H-CAD¿ (IST-5th FP) and eTen ¿Hellodoc¿ projects, will enhance the deployment of eHealth services and optimize healthcare resources through a European platform for the development of ¿home treatment protocols¿. Such platform provides health professionals with: Service architecture based on a communication server. Hospital database purposely conceived for tele-rehab. License Software for doctors and patients to simply handle the service. The different set of rehabilitation exercises will be designed for common pathologies affecting elderlies (musculo-skeletal, neurological, chronic pain and pneumonic diseases). These exercise sets and proactive self care, tailored to the home environment, will allow people to maintain their abilities for a longer period of time. The service is focussed on the ¿HABILIS¿ interoperable software platform integrating advanced information management and synchronous and asynchronous communication facilities. Patients perform the therapies at home, execute the specific exercises that are recorded, encrypted and sent to the professionals doctors¿ team. The analysis software, purposely conceived to decrease the necessary time to analyse the data, allows doctors to assess the exercises and update the therapy remotely.
Tipo de proyecto
Proyectos y convenios en convocatorias públicas competitivas
Entidad financiadora
Nacionalidad Entidad
Sin nacionalidad
Tamaño de la entidad
Fecha concesión

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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Grupo de Bioingeniería y Telemedicina
  • Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de tecnología Biomédica CTB