Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Influence of diet quality on nutrient digestiblity and productive performance of weanling pigs

Áreas de investigación
  • Ganaderia

The effect of ingredient composition of the diet on nutrient digestibility and growth performance was studied in piglets. There were 6 experimental prestarter diets (27-47 d of age) with similar NE and AA content. The positive control diet contained 40% cooked corn (HPC), 14% lactose (LAC), and 10% fish meal (FM). Two other experimental diets had the same composition than the control diet but the HPC was substituted by either raw corn (RC) or cooked rice (HPR). Two extra diets were similar to the positive control diet but contained only 7% LAC or 4% FM. Finally, there was a control negative diet with 40% RC, 7% LAC, and 4% FM. From 47 to 68 days age, half of the pens received a standard SBM-raw corn-lard diet and the other half a diet with similar nutrient profile that included 1.3% LAC, 5% FM, 20% HPC, 2% soy protein concentrate, and 1% soybean oil. Each treatment was replicated 6 times (6 pigs per box). Type of diet did not affect growth performance of pigs at any stage. Piglets fed the rice diet had lower incidence of diarrhea (DI) from 27 to 47 d of age than those fed the raw corn control diet (P < 0.1), with DI of pigs from the other treatments being intermediate. At 36 days of age, CP digestibility was not affected by dietary treatment but the CTTAD of GE, DM, and OM was lower (P < 0.05) for piglets fed raw corn than for piglets fed HPR with piglets fed HPC being intermediate. Also, an increase in the LAC content of the diet improved (P<0.05) digestibility of these dietary components. Feeding program diet did not affect digestibility of any of the nutrients at 57 d of age. It is concluded that piglets weaned at 27 d of age performed similary when fed diets containing raw corn and low levels of LAC an FM than when fed more complex diets but DI was reduced with the inclusion of cooked rice. Also, 47 d-old pigs (>11 kg BW) do not need to include any sophisticated ingredients in the diet, for optimal performance.
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99th Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting
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Poultry Science, 89 (1): 668

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación


Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Producción Animal