Ficha comercial


The study of the natural and anthropic risks associated to the physical environment and the socio-economic repercussions deriving from its dynamics in the foundations and civil infrastructures, have begun to have a very important boom. The negative experience acquired in the construction of buildings, through the information provided by the developers, allows us to know what the problems are intended to solve.

The technological solution involves a geographic information system associated with risks, which is capable of advising future developers, not only about the risks existing in future urban expansion areas, but also of the individualized detail of each of the plots that conform the urbanizations, allowing having the objective criteria in the election and purchase of building land.

Descripción Tecnológica

Application of a geographic information system (GIS) of the land, in which as layers, it is possible to represent and divide into sections the natural and anthropic risks existing in all urban development in Madrid.

Until now, criteria for the purchase of building land are governed by criteria of mobility and proximity to the main means of communication without considering factors that may affect the foundation of new developments, which have a direct impact on the foundation and affect decisively in the cost of construction and therefore its viability, both technical and economic.

With this innovative solution, any developer will be able, before the purchase of the soil, to know the existing risks and possible solutions of foundations, and even the selection of areas that are more favourable.

 “Technical solution, which through risk analysis supports developers in the purchase of building land” 

Necesidades de Mercado


    • In Spain, it is estimated that during the period 1986-2016 there have been economic losses of 54.7 million euros due to Geological Hazards, which mean an average of 0.31% of the GDP of the nation.
    • Until 2020 the largest urban development in Spain will be in Madrid, specifically in the southeast of the city. The distribution will be:The geotechnical risks detected in these areas are expansivity, soil collapsibility and soil dissolution processes. As anthropogenic risks are present the landfills and landfills controlled and uncontrolled.
      • Valdecarros: with an area close to 19,500,000 m2. It will house a total of 51,000 homes with a resident population of about 150,000 people.
      • Ensanche de Vallecas: with an area of 7,000,000 m2. They house 28,000 homes, not counting the rotational, industrial, commercial and office use.
      • Los Berrocales: it has an approximate area of more than 8,300,000 m2.
      • Los Ahijones: it has an area of 8,000,000 m2.
    • The geotechnical risks detected in these areas are expansivity, soil collapsibility and soil dissolution processes. As anthropogenic risks are present the landfills and landfills controlled and uncontrolled. 
    • This tool can be used in any urban action both nationally and internationally.


“Given the equal cost of a parcel, the choice in the purchase determines the economic viability of the promotion” 

Potencial de Mercado

  • The greater development of the history of Madrid has begun to be a fact and the works of urbanization will finalize in this decade.
  • From west to east it covers the territory between the course of the Manzanares river to Jarama. From north to south between the M-40 and M-50.
  • Included in this area are urban development areas such as Valdecarros, Ensanche de Vallecas, Los Berrocales, Los Ahijones, El Cañaveral and Los Cerros. Together they have a total area of about 50 million square meters.
    • Valdecarros: The estimated budget will be 1,513.7 million euros and an approximate implementation period of six years (2020).
    • Los Berrocales: The estimated investment will be 623.5 million euros.
    • Los Ahijones: The estimated budget is 5.5 million euros.
Ventajas Competitivas de la Solución

• Have a system capable of identifying the different natural and anthropic risks.
• Zoning of different risks and gradation of danger.
• Applicable to different areas depending on the need of the promoter (regional scale to plot per plot)
• This solution allows, through rigorous information, the choice of the best building land.
• In case of existing risks, it is possible to obtain the best structural mitigation solutions from the economic and safety point of view.

  • Multidisciplinary research group with wide experience in geology, geotechnics and natural hazards 

  •  Geotechnical and Risk Mapping of Southeastern Madrid. Registration of intellectual property 16/2016/1337
Grado de Desarrollo

  • Concept
  • R&D
  • Lab Prototype
  • Industrial Prototype
  • Production

Indica-Riegs contact

Félix Escolano Sánchez

UPM contact

Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Area

Centre of Support for Technological Innovation – UPM
