Politécnica de Madrid

Degreee in Industrial Technology Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits
  • To train multi-talented technicians qualified to work in the world of industry, e.g. in business R&D departments, positions of responsibility in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, as part of multidisciplinary work teams or as teaching staff in secondary schools or professional training modules.
  • To provide students with solid scientific training and wide-ranging knowledge of a variety of technologies that will make them multidisciplinary professionals.
  • To enable students to understand the impact of industrial engineering on the environment, sustainable development of society and the importance of working in a professional, responsible context.
  • To design, develop, implement, manage and improve products, systems and processes in a variety of industrial fields using appropriate analysis, computation and testing techniques.
Specialisation The degree includes eight itineraries or intensifications: Automation and Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Energy Techniques, Chemistry and the Environment and Industrial Organisation.
Study Centre School of Industrial Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
C/ José Gutierrez Abascal, 2
28006 Madrid
91 336 30 60
Web Page www.etsii.upm.es