Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits

Graduates will acquire the ability to:

  • Design, develop and manage, in the field of their respective specialisation of aeronautical engineering and in accordance with the knowledge they acquire, aerospace vehicles, aerospace propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport infrastructures, air navigation infrastructures and all kinds of management systems related to air space, air traffic and air transport.
  • Undertake activities related to planning, technical direction, expert appraisal, writing of reports and technical reports, and providing technical advice for tasks associated with Technical Aeronautical Engineering in the exercise of functions and technical positions specifically related to the aerospace sector.
  • Take part in flight test programmes for data taking of take-off distances, rate-of-climb, stall speed, manoeuvrability and landing capabilities.
  • Analyse and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.
Specialisation The proposed degree is based around a standard training block and five specialisations. The specialisations are: Aerospace Vehicles, Aerospace Propulsion, Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Airports and Air Transport, and Navigation and Aerospace Systems.
Study Centre School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Plaza Cardenal Cisneros 3
28040 Madrid
91 336 63 00
91 336 41 66
Web page www.etsiae.upm.es/