Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Engineering and Agricultural Science

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits

To train professionals qualified to:

  • Perform functions of direction, management, economic and technical advising and valuation of crop and livestock farms.
  • Draw up, design and implement agricultural engineering plans and projects associated with animal and plant production, construction of buildings, rural infrastructure, agricultural mechanisation, electrification and irrigation, with a focus on achieving higher productivity, greater economic benefits, improved well-being in rural areas and protection of the environment through the design and development of agricultural policies.
  • Direct the execution of works for projects associated with farms and their buildings, infrastructure and installations, hazard prevention associated with such projects and direction of multidisciplinary teams and management of human resources in accordance with deontological criteria.
  • Draw up and sign documents relating to measurements, subdivisions, plot divisions, valuations, expert appraisals and assessments in the rural environment.
  • Draw up and sign documents relating to studies on rural development, environmental impact and waste management in relation to crop and livestock farms.
Specialisation The degree includes two blocks or itineraries which, within the specialisation of Mechanisation and Rural Constructions, offer a further intensification in Plant Production, Animal Production, Agricultural Economy and Rural Engineering.
Study Centre School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Complutense 3
28040 Madrid
91 336 56 00
Web Page http://www.etsia.upm.es