Memorias de investigación
Capítulo de libro:
Multiscaling Analysis of Soil Drop Roughness

Áreas de investigación
  • Agricultura

Soil surface roughness (SSR), which describes the microvariation in soil elevations across a field resulting primarily from tillage practices and soil texture, is one of the major factors in wind and water erosion (Porta Casanellas et al., 2003). Soil surface roughness and the complementary soil microrelief depression pattern determine water infiltration and drainage network development (Vidal Vázquez et al., 2006). Most studies on SSR have focused on the mathematical description of the variations appearing after rainfall to predict water infiltration and runoff (Linden and Van Doren, 1986; Kamphorst et al., 2000; Darboux and Huang, 2003). Soil surface roughness is defined as the standard deviation of surface elevation readings. After tillage, soil microtopography exhibits randomly oriented tillage roughness marks of different sizes as well as clods (Allmaras et al., 1966; Zobeck and Onstad, 1987; Huang, 1998). Each specific tillage tool creates its own oriented roughness pattern, which is relatively easy to quantify using a simple geometric model. The challenge consists in quantifying the spatial distribution of randomly oriented SSR (Huang, 1998). Soil surface roughness, taken on a scale ranging from centimeters to millimeters, plays a very important role in increasing water infiltration and the amount of crop water available and in reducing runoff on cultivated lands (Podmore and Huggins, 1981; Armstrong, 1986; Kamphorst et al., 2000). At the same time, it is an important factor in predicting wind erosion (Zobeck, 1991; Larney et al., 1995), one of the main forms of soil degradation in semiarid and arid climates. The concomitant loss of organic matter and nutrient-rich topsoil occasions a decline in soil productivity (Hagen, 1988; Potter et al., 1990; Larney et al., 1998). Soil surface roughness quantification is therefore crucial to understand soil erosive processes and how soil properties are altered by human action, primarily tillage (Perfect et al., 1990; Saxton, 1995; Murillo et al., 2004).
DOI: 10.5772/29452
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Principles, Application and Assessment in Soil Science
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  • Creador: Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios Medioambientales (CEIGRAM)
  • Departamento: Edafología