Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Using GeoDesign to Plan New Electricity Circuits in Spain

Áreas de investigación
  • Geografía,
  • Sistema informático,
  • Ingeniería eléctrica,
  • Transporte de la energía eléctrica

Power supply plays a fundamental role in society, boosting development in some nations and maintaining the standard of living in others. Just as urban planning development creates or modifies infrastructures thus establishing new conditions in the territory, building new power lines impacts on different environments within the same territory. Developing an electricity transmission network requires familiarity with the current structure of the territory and its future planning focused on developing societies and planning a new power line infrastructure. In order to identify the current structure of the territory and its development planning at any given time, it is first necessary work collaboratively with all actors a GeoDesign environment. This article proposes a workflow that applies GeoDesign principles so that actors may share interests and work together in order to develop a new electrical infrastructure and achieve planned objectives. We present a consistent method for describing the context, analysing requirements, identifying constraints and relationship stages and proposing a workflow and a multi-disciplinary web-based GeoDesign tool prototype as well as tools for 3D visualisation and Google Earth interactivity and other tools to generate reports for administrative processing. Initial results with regards to GeoDesign in administrative processing are encouraging in terms of increased productivity and reduced costs and timeframes. It is widely assumed and accepted that electric energy should be a dynamising factor for the entire economy and infrastructures and that there should never be any barriers to its growth. To this end, the inalienable goal of governmental energy policy should be to ensure that energy is supplied under optimal conditions of safety, quality and price. Thus, in May 2008 the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade approved an electricity/gas planning document for 2008-2016 whose aim was to ensure the safety and quality of the power supply. This plan contemplates a major programme that includes building new electric power lines that will make it possible to anticipate future needs based on the increased demand experienced in recent years. As manager of the transmission network, the Spanish electric company Red Eléctrica de España (REE), is in charge of maintaining, developing and expanding the infrastructure throughout the nation.. The purpose of this paper is to help systematize development and expansion and facilitate Planning Support Systems (PSS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS) by applying GeoDesign principles to designing and proposing a workflow for planning new electrical infrastructures. We will identify relationships and interactions among the various actors (interest profiles) as well as any constraints (requirements to be complied with). The objective is to overcome the hurdles at every phase of the present working method and take advantage of those characteristics of this type of project that apply specifically to territories and Geographic Information (GI). The term ?GeoDesign? refers to systems that aim to combine GI-based information and decision-making
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CIGRE 2014
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CIGRE 2014

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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: MERCATOR Tecnologías de la GeoInformación
  • Departamento: Ingeniería Topográfica y Cartografía