Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Effects of feeding a bioactive extract from Olea europaea to broiler chickens on growth performance and digestibility

Áreas de investigación
  • Ganadería y pesca,
  • Biología vegetal, animal y ecología,
  • Agricultura

Olive oil by-products contain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant bioactive substances with potentially beneficial effects in broiler performance. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of supplementing a bioactive extract from Olea europaea (EO) on performance and apparent ileal digestibility (AID) in broiler chickens. For this purpose, a total of four hundred and ninety 1 d-old broiler chickens (Ross 308) were randomly housed in floor pens (7 pen / treatment, with 14 birds / pen). From 1 to 21 d of age, a non-medicated starter diet based on wheat and soybean meal was given to animals. Then, from 22 to 40 d of age, animals were fed their five experimental diets: a negative control with no additives (EO0), a positive control with 0.01% of monensin (M) and the basal diet supplemented with 0.05 (EO0.05), 0.1 (EO0.1) and 0.15% (EO0.15) of EO (Lucta S. A, Spain). Feed intake and growth performance were monitored weekly throughout the trial. At the end of the trial (40 d of age), ileal contents were collected to determine digestibility parameters. Data obtained were analyzed as a completely randomized design with EO inclusion level as fixed effect and pen as the experimental unit using MIXED procedure of SAS. Means were compared by Tukey test (P < 0.05) and linear or quadratic response to EO inclusion level was analyzed by orthogonal polynomial contrasts. Broilers fed EO0.1 showed lower average daily gain (ADG) (P < 0.01) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) (P < 0.05) from 21 to 40 d of age. This led to a significant linear and quadratic effect (P < 0.05) with a lower ADG and ADFI in birds fed the EO0.1. However, no differences were observed in feed conversion ratio (FCR) among treatments. Apparent digestibility of nutrients was not affected by dietary treatment with an overall AID percentage of 72.6% DM, 77.1% GE, 88.2% EE, and 80.4% CP, except ether extract (EE) that improved with EO inclusion levels (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the present study shows that chickens performance and nutrient digestibility were not affected by 0.05% of a bioactive extract from Olea europaea. However, higher doses of EO reduces feed intake and weight gain without being affected FCR despite a better fat digestibility
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LV Symposium Científico de Avicultura
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Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Autor: Javier Herrero Encinas UPM
  • Autor: Marta Blanch Lucta S.A.
  • Autor: José Pastor Lucta S.A.
  • Autor: Alessandro Mereu Lucta S.A.
  • Autor: Ignacio Ipharraguerre Lucta S.A.
  • Autor: David Menoyo Luque UPM

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Departamento: Producción Agraria