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Virtual water and water footprint: a case study from Spain.

Áreas de investigación
  • Política agraria

Resumen: Most experts admit that water conflicts are not caused by physical water scarcity, but due to poor water management (Llamas, 2005). In this sense, the evaluation of virtual water and water footprint can provide new indicators for informing water, agricultural and trade policies. For this purpose, this paper estimates the water footprint and virtual water ¿flow¿ in Spain for the period 1997-2005, from both a hydrological and economic perspective. The calculations show that the water footprint of agriculture varies between 38000 million m3 and 45000 million m3 in 1997 and 2005, respectively, whereas the water footprint of agricultural sector amounts to 33000 and 34000 million m3 in 1997 and 2005, respectively. Valuing blue water resources at its shadow price or scarcity value, the results suggest that, especially in Mediterranean regions, agricultural water footprint is relatively responsive on water scarcity. Therefore, in arid and semiarid countries the notion of virtual water can bring important insights for revising the ¿water scarcity¿ paradigm.
Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua VI Congreso Ibérico sobre Gestión y Planificación del Agua
Vitoria, España
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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Economía Agraria y Gestión de los Recursos Naturales
  • Departamento: Economía y Ciencias Sociales Agrarias
  • Centro o Instituto I+D+i: Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios Medioambientales (CEIGRAM)