Memorias de investigación
Proyecto de I+D+i:
HALA!: Higher Automation Levels in Automation

Áreas de investigación


Any person can develop a certain number of actions without even noticing: breathing, digesting, or dreaming can be carried out without any conscious effort. According to many psychologists, the -automation- of these processes is a key factor in the evolution of species. Furthermore, in the social structure we can also find some automated behaviours called customs, with the most useful ones such as resting two days per week or not making noise at nights are often turned into social laws. These sort of automatic processes facilitate our enjoyment of time without discussion with each other. Therefore, automation has definitely proved to be a quite successful tool in human environments. However, what happens when the environment is too big to be controlled by simple human processes? In the last years our knowledge has rapidly increased allowing us to focus our research resources to very specific areas. As a consequence we know far more about specifics and less about everything. Good examples of this trend are the Navigation and Airspace Management domains. The innovative techniques developed in the frame of SESAR will provide the users with all the required information about any flight at any moment, but how do we turn all that information into knowledge? How do we achieve it in an effective way? Automation of this process will be a major goal impacting on all research fields. An effective management of our knowledge is actually a basic requirement to go on developing but, can the knowledge really be automated? Is it worth it? In HALA! We believe that effective automation can create a step change and thereby enabling us to achieve even more ambitious goals beyond those encapsulated by SESAR. HALA! is a consortium set up to exploit a research framework underpinned by effective collaboration, innovation, transparency, flexibility and efficiency as required to successfully deliver the objectives of WPE. The main human resource is knowledge and its efficient use lies on automation. HALA! means in Spanish: go on! get moving!

Tipo de proyecto
Proyectos y convenios en convocatorias públicas competitivas
Entidad financiadora
Comisión Europea
Nacionalidad Entidad
Tamaño de la entidad
Fecha concesión

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Grupo de Investigación: Navegación Aérea
  • Departamento: Infraestructura, Sistemas Aeroespaciales y Aeropuertos