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Researchers at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have developed and manufactured a new concept of laminated material of recycled conglomerate textile with metallic or polymeric coating. The combination of these materials, the positioning and the accurate orientation enable a final product of higher performaces than other traditional laminated materials. Besides, this also contributes a responsible solution regarding the textile product recycling process.

TeksTeela is presented as a versatile material, light, resistant, long life durable, able to absorb a great amount of water without being damaged and also as an efficient thermal and acoustic insulation. Due to its special design, it can be adapted to any specific requirement in every industrial application, particularly the construction of modular structures (flat and curved geometries) and manufacture of  customized furniture.

Descripción Tecnológica

There is a growing necessity in many countries to provide the population with cheap solutions for housing and furniture likewise, without diminishing  their minimum conditions and reducing as much as possible the expenses on thermical and acoustic conditioning.

In addition, the expansion of the textile industry has resulted in a worldwide hyperproduction of fabric up to 64 million tons a year. This generates a problem in the waste management.

TeksTeela is not only a laminated material which reuses textile products, but it successfully leads to increase 8 times the impact resistance compared to other traditional solutions in the market. This results in low cost manufacturing in situ, it is in the place of the implementation of the technology. TeksTeelais also an efficient insulation for noise and temperature in housing.



“Thecombination of differentmaterialsmeansTeksTeelahas synergeticfeatureswhichmakeit viable, versatile and easy to be manufactured”


Necesidades de Mercado

¿Modular construction

In this sector, it is a constant to be in the search of new materials so as to satisfy the design and structure requirements, which are more and more demanding. The use of hybrid materials is a good alternative to the traditional materials. TeksTeelais more impact resistant  (up to 8 more times thantraditionalmaterials and absorbes4 times less water), and enables structures which are lighter, easier and cheaper to be made and it is suitable for many different applications. Besides, it is postulated to be efficient thermal and acoustic insulation.

•Furniture manufacture

Anarea of applicationwithfuturepotentialisthedesign of high performance furniture, versatile and light forhousingallaroundtheworld. TeksTeelaimplies a solutionbecausewhilethepercentage of textilewasteisreduced, itprovides a customizable material to anyuser.


“TeksTeelamaking a material of highmechanical performances, usingtextilerecycledfibre, helpingpalliatetheenvironmentalproblem of wasteacumulation”


Potencial de Mercado

Textile Industry

• The annual consumption of textile per person in the first world countries is between 7 and 10 kg according to estimates of the Ministry of Environment. In Europe, six million tons of textile are thrown away a year, where 75% is discarded or burnt.
• Not destroying the clothes for a year and recycling them, implies a saving of 10 tons of CO2.


Modular Construction Sector

• The associated cost is just10% a conventional house needs. In 2020 is expected to be reached 1.1 million modular houses [Global Industry Analysts Inc., 2015]. 


Furniture Industry

• The furniture industry implies 0.86% in the Spanish industry [Ministry of Industry, energy and Tourism of Spain, 2016].
Ventajas Competitivas de la Solución

  • A material designed to satisfy the most demanding necessities either of modular structures or furniture. It mproves the impact resistance while it reduces the weight of the structure.
  • It absorbes less amount of water than traditional materials such as wood, as well as it has high biological resistance. The main tenance is reduced.
  • It gives high resistance either thermal or acoustic towards structural vibrations and noise.
  • TeksTeela offers not only synergetic features but versatile and customizable for every application. 

  • The technology has been assessed by companies of the construction sector such as “DIERULAN Soluciones Técnicas” who have praised the initiative and are willing to employ this material in their future projects in  Mexico and Spain.
  • The Research Group in “Design and Industrial Fabrication” of the UPM have been for over 10 years a consolidated group realizing more than 50 projects and research contracts of all types.
Grado de Desarrollo

  • Concepto
  • Investigación
  • Prototipo-Lab
  • Prototipo Industrial
  • Producción


Cristina Alía García and Rosa Ocaña López




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