Memorias de investigación
Otros meritos:
2. Program Committee Member, Variability, Adaptation and Dynamism in software systems and services (VADER 2011), Greece, 17-21, October, 2011.

Áreas de investigación
  • Ingenierías,
  • Ciencias de la computación y tecnología informática

Traditionally, handling changing requirements, faults, or upgrades on different kinds of software-based systems have been tasks performed as a maintenance activity conducted by human operators at design/development time. However, factors such as uncertainty in the operational environment, resource variability, or the critical nature of some systems that cannot be halted in order to be changed, have lead to the development of systems able to re-plan and reconfigure their structure and behaviour at run time in order to improve their operation without any human intervention. The goal of this workshop is to explore all the features which introduce elements of change in software architectures in general, and in service ecosystems in particular. Among these, the workshop emphasizes three different, though related, approaches: ? Variability, or the capability of changing to simultaneously encompass different conceptions ? Adaptation, or the capability of changing to adapt to different conditions and environments ? Dynamism, or the capability of changing, including the set of mechanisms which make it possible. The workshop therefore focuses in adaptive systems, dynamic architectures and variability management. In general, it intends to determine the synergies between architectural evolution, variation and adaptation, and the influence of the underlying structure in their self-adaptive properties and attributes. Adaptation is considered as an architecture level feature, and therefore it cannot be dissociated from architectural specification. Variability can be introduced as the natural conceptual evolution of component-based architectures, and presents itself as a significant feature for open, dynamic, and self-adaptive architectures. The workshop intends also an emphasis on service-orientation as it is the best practical example of a variable, self-adaptive and dynamic architectural style. Although most research efforts in these approaches have been isolated and lacked specific forums for discussion until recently, there is a thriving international community currently involved in the study of self-* systems, laying out the foundations that will enable their systematic development. Likewise, the goal of this workshop is gathering software engineering researchers from fields related to the development of adaptive architectures and service ecosystems in order to identify critical research challenges, as well as discussing models, techniques, tools, industrial cases, and methodologies for the development of those complex systems able to dynamically adapt their behaviour. Moreover, the aim of the workshop is addressing all these topics stressing the importance of integrating different achievements and devising generic approaches. This workshop builds on the success of the previous edition, the AVYTAT 2010 (Adaptation in serVice ecosYsTems and ArchiTectures), which was also held in the context of the OTM Federated Conferences, and it opens and widens its scope to also include variability and its mechanisms as one of the other major sources for change in the context of software architecture and service ecosystems.
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Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Grupo de tecnología de software y sistemas
  • Departamento: Organización y Estructura de la Información