Memorias de investigación
Hacking the cell lineage tree

Áreas de investigación
  • Ciencias naturales y ciencias de la salud,
  • Biomedicina,
  • Ingenierías,
  • Tecnología electrónica y de las comunicaciones

Captur¡ng the flrst moments of ¡ife of an embryo in a high-resolution 3D video is now possible wi'ih rew mlcroscopy techniques used to film fluorescent genetic-engineered zebraflsh embryos. The zebraÍ¡sh is used as reference for the studyofcancer and stem cell research. To understand which is the fate of each cell ofthe organism during development, the B.g Dala produced oy tne microscopy lechniques (videos with 1 Tera-voxels) haw to be hacked using computeralgorithms thatare able to f¡nd and track the positon and the shape of each of the cells of the organism d u ri ng the develop rn ent unti I the form at¡on of organs - as lhe b rain or the eyes. ln this talk, we'li see how lo reconstruct the "Dig¡tal Embryo" - a kind of Googlel\/aps with the GPS coordinates of the address of each cell of an organ¡sm- with the purpose of understanding how a single cell (ihe zygote) transforms into a multi-cellular organism with a r¡ch diversityof cells organized in spatiolemporal patterns.
Entidad relacionada
Nacionalidad Entidad
Lugar del congreso
Berlin, Alemania

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación


Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Tecnología de imágenes biomédicas
  • Departamento: Ingeniería Electrónica