Memorias de investigación
"PAMELA SHM System on a HTP Leading Edge Rib". Best Practical SHM Solution Award 2012. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.

Áreas de investigación
  • Industria electrónica

"PAMELA SHM System on a HTP Leading Edge Rib" presented the performance of the last version of a single PAMELA SHM? system that consists of the electronic ?all in one? SHM miniaturized device (PAMELA III) installed directly on the integrated PhA transducer, surface bonded onto the CFRP HTP leading edge rib. The system is highly automated, easy to install and operate with capacity to perform quickly many different SHM tests in huge range of test configurations and sequences. The system can also be controlled wirelessly having only one cable for 12DC power supply. The system in its actual version is designed in order to have highly efficient, reliable and flexible development platform for future SHM mapping algorithms and high resolution SHM maps with easy interpretative information about any temporal or permanent changes of the host structure.
Entidad premiada
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Aernnova Engineering Solutions
Entidad concedente
Lugar donde se premió
Dresden, Germany

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación


Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Investigación en Instrumentación y Acústica Aplicada (I2A2)
  • Departamento: Sistemas Electrónicos y de Control