Memorias de investigación
Otros meritos:
Participación en proyecto de investigación: Biomecânica de árvores visando análise de risco de queda.

Áreas de investigación
  • Árbol,
  • Ingenieria civil

Se trata de la participación en el proyecto de investigación titulado: Biomecânica de árvores visando análise de risco de queda. Financiado por el Programa Institucional de Internacionalização ? CAPES-Print, Brasil. La investigadora responsable es la Dra. Raquel Gon?alves (UNICAMP). La cuantía total del proyecto es de 150.000 euros y su duración de 4 años, 2018 - 2022. Resumen: Tree failure risk is, currently, a very important topic in many countries. However, to develop properly this theme it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary team, that allows to face the complex and differentiated challenges involved. Thus, the objective of this thematic project is to address the failure risk of urban trees under the biomechanics perspective, aiming at proposing risk ranges. The strategy will consist in defining some species for which a methodological approach will be fully applied, and the results will be used in development and validation of models that allow simulating the biomechanical behavior and with which it will be defined the risk classes. A methodology with analyzes and tests on live trees (characterization of the external morphology, evaluation of the phytosanitary status associated to the surrounding conditions, including the soil and analysis of the internal conditions with different nondestructive technologies) and in laboratory (mechanical, physics and acoustics characterization of sound and deteriorated wood) will be applied in root, trunk and branches. The project also includes loads (gravitational and wind) characterization and their consequent efforts at the root, branches and trunk. The joining of this knowledge will be applied to modeling the behavior of the trees and simulation and field trials will be used to validate the models which will be used to define classes of failure risk and inspection protocols for their use. It is hoped to contribute to the advancement of the knowledge of the biomechanical phenomena and in its implications in the failure of trees.
Comentarios Mérito
Se han realizado estancias de dos estudiantes de doctorado, Guadalupe Olvera y Gabriel Virgen bajo la dirección de su director de tesis el profesor Miguel Esteban Herrero. La entidad receptora fue el Laboratorio de Ensayos no destructivos de la Facultad de Ingeniería Agraria, Universidad Estatal de Campinas, Brasil. La supervisora fue la profesora Dra. Raquel Gonçalves. Las estancias fueron del 10-10-2019 al 31-01-2020.

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación


Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Construcción con Madera
  • Departamento: Ingeniería y Gestión Forestal y Ambiental