Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Polypropylene fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete for the reconstruction of the cathedral of La Laguna, Canary Island, Spain

Áreas de investigación
  • Ingeniería de construcción

For the reconstruction of a singular building as a cathedral, high performance materials are needed, since in addition to special mechanical properties, high selfcompactability, high durability and high surface quality, are as well specified. The modulation of the roof domes allows for construction with pre-cast elements. Because of the specifications in the project, the use of Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Selfcompacting Concrete was selected by the engineering office. Due to the number of precast-elements needed, the low quality of local materials and the lack of experience applying macro polypropylene fiber for structural reinforcement with these components materials, a pretesting program was made. For the optimization of the mix design, performance was evaluated following technical, economical and constructability criteria. It is known that the addition of fibers reduces selfcompactability of the mixture, so to determine the optimal mix proportions many trials were run. Variables introduced were paste volume, from 42% to almost 48%; aggregate skeleton, two or three fractions plus limestone filler; fiber type, crimped profile and 45 mm length and flat profile with a length of 500 mm; and fiber content, 7 and 6 kg/m3. In light of these results two mix designs were selected, the first one used as reference for selfcompactability and mechanical properties, and the second one, an optimized mix with a reduction on cement content of 20 kg/m3 and fiber dosage of 1 kg/m3. For this mix designs an extended testing was carried out to measure the compression and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, toughness, shrinkage and water permeability resistance.
Nombre congreso
9th Symposium on High Performance Concrete. Design, Verification and Utilizacion
Tipo de participación
Lugar del congreso
Rotorua (Nueva Zelanda)
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Título de las actas
Book of Abstracts y CD, 9th Symposium on High Performance Concrete. Design, Verification and Utilizacion

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Autor: Antonia Pacios Alvarez UPM
  • Autor: Pedro Carballosa de Miguel IETcc
  • Autor: José Pedro Gutiérrez IETcc
  • Autor: Peter Tanner IETcc

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Departamento: Mecánica Estructural y Construcciones Industriales