Memorias de investigación
Proyecto de I+D+i:
UECIMUAVS- USA and Europe Cooperation in Mini UAVs.

Áreas de investigación
  • Ingenierías

Unmanned Aerial Systems have been an active area of research in recent years all around the world. Top research centres in the word are working on new applications, improving previous ones, solving specific problems in the different areas. Each centre has taken a special area of the whole field into focus and they are taking specialization on it. It makes a huge scattered network of knowledge. The project that we present here is an attempt to connect some relevant nodes of this network putting in contact 3 leading research centres: The Arizona State University (Robotics Laboratory), the Linko?ping University (Artificial Intelligence & Integrated Computer Systems Division) and the Universidad Polite?cnica Madrid (Computer Vision Group) to develop common objectives that involves adding vision sensors in UAVs, making it more powerful and more effective in different tasks. Each partner has experience in different field that could be connected and spared among the consortium, because these fields are complementary, but not superposed. Thus, the opportunities and strength of each partner will be increased.
Tipo de proyecto
Otros tipos de proyectos
Entidad financiadora
Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 269276
Nacionalidad Entidad
Sin nacionalidad
Tamaño de la entidad
Fecha concesión

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación


Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Computer Vision