Memorias de investigación
Ponencias en congresos:
Methodology for highways network infrastructures design in the landscape

Áreas de investigación
  • Ingenierías

Landscape evaluation is a graphical approach to the previous study of highway sections which later will be travelled by car. Through maps, diagrams and sketches we can get an idea of what we have found in the journeys, and so make better use of them. The first step is to select the section to analyze. We choose one section of the AP6 highway which runs between Villacastín and Navalcanto, because these villages are very close from our point of origin, Madrid (Spain), as well as being a journey with a variety of landscapes to be analyzed. After selecting the section, we collect the information available on it, aerial photos, maps, kilometric points. With this initial map we went out to the road with a camera and a GPS (geographic position system) device, we travelled through the area and its nearby, in order to extend the visual information about the section. We developed a map of landscape quality from ¿Spanish Landscape Atlas¿ and ¿Cañas¿Methodology for Assessing the Landscape¿. We use the program ArcGIS to get the view shed from the highway, that is, eliminating from the map the areas from the road that we can¿t appreciate.. The visual exposure areas depend on the distance at which objects are observed. From 0 to 30 meters have immediate level, between 30-200 meters the foreground, 200-400 the middle ground, and from there, the background. Rafael Mata¿s ¿Atlas de los Paisajes de España¿ (Spain¿s Landscapes Atlas) recognizes 32 landscape typologies, each one including a variety of subtypes. Our study aims to go one step further in landscape characterization, reducing the scale of the approach (from 1/700000 to 1/25000) and implementing the valuation methodology proposed by Ignacio Cañas. The result of the study will be a map representing the visual landscape. A landscape interpretation map is a powerful tool in order to assess the design of future infrastructures, as it complements the information provided by cartography, land usage, topography and population information of a certain area, helping to determine the best tracing choices of a route depending on what we want or don¿t want to be observed from it.
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IMProVe 2011
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IMProVe 2011 International Conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design

Esta actividad pertenece a memorias de investigación

  • Autor: Cruz Calleja Perrucho UPM
  • Autor: Ana Pou Merina UPM
  • Autor: M.A Ruiz Sanchez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Autor: Ignacio Cañas Guerrero UPM

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Creador: Grupo de Investigación: Patrimonio, paisaje, documentación gráfica y construcción agroforestal
  • Departamento: Construcción y Vías Rurales