Memorias de investigación
Proyecto de I+D+i:
FAST: Fast and Advanced Storyboard Tools

Áreas de investigación


The development of complex front-end gadgets, involving execution of relatively complex business processes that rely on back-end Semantic Web Services. This main objective can be broken down into four scientific and technological objectives:

  1. Definition of conceptual model: To characterise and conceptualise Complex Gadgets defining and specifying a new ontology to solve the problematic around modelling their states and flows between them.
  2. Visual design of complex front-end gadgets relying on screen-flow resources: To provide the tools for the development of complex gadgets that will become the cornerstone for the construction of the user interfaces of the future.
  3. Visual composition of screen-flow resources and interoperability with back-end Web services: To bridge the gap between the ideas managed by the user at a user-oriented level on the screenflow and the underlying resources available in the back-end as Web services and resources.
  4. Semantic catalogue of screen-flow resources and back-end Web services: To define the basic mechanisms that connect the end user to the Semantic Services available in the back-end.

FAST will provide the necessary tools to technical users so that they could build complex gadgets in a visual way, always taking into account the user perspective. A complex gadget manages business process characterized by having state and transitions between them, and also the necessity of user interaction. These tools will allow the design of the different screens which users will interact with so that their users will be able to define the relationships between them and with the resources and services provided by the back-end. The approach adopted will be user-centric rather than program-centric: instead of first building programs that orchestrate available Semantic Web Services and then try to figure out how to implement interaction with the users at given points of the process execution flow, programmers will start from the front-end gadgets that the user will see and interact with, and then, afterwards, they will visually establish the connection to back-end Web Services going through process execution flows if necessary. The way programmers will visually establish this connection will follow an approach similar to what sequence diagrams in UML look like. The FAST project believes that this new user-oriented approach is feasible and that it will overpass limitations of current business process engines approaches. In this approach, programmers will visually manage and connect front-end gadgets, screen-flow resources and back-end services. It is worth pointing out that the programming tool to be developed will be conceived as a tool that can be compatible with existing and future mash-up platforms. Our goal is not to develop the gadget mash-up platform but a tool that enables to develop mash-up-able gadgets which rely on screen-flow resources and semantic Web Services stored in a catalogue.

Tipo de proyecto
Proyectos y convenios en convocatorias públicas competitivas
Entidad financiadora
Comisión Europea
Nacionalidad Entidad
Tamaño de la entidad
Fecha concesión

Grupos de investigación, Departamentos, Centros e Institutos de I+D+i relacionados
  • Grupo de Investigación: Grupo de Inteligencia Artificial (LIA)
  • Departamento: Inteligencia Artificial