Politécnica de Madrid

Technical Public Works Engineer

Curriculum in force 1971 Curriculum
Years of study 3
Course Contents

The aim of the first year is to provide students with the fundamental training they need, and is of a primarily scientific nature. The second year is aimed at fundamental technical training, and in the third year students acquire the knowledge they need to prepare them for specialising in an area of technology.

The first two years have subjects which are standard for all students, and in the final year, in addition to the standard subjects, students choose one of the three specialist areas available.

Once students have passed all the subjects of the degree they are required to present and explain their Final Degree Project.

Taught at School of Civil Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
Alfonso XII, 3 y 5
28014 Madrid
91 336 77 30
Web Page www.ingenieriacivil.upm.es/