Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Agronomic Engineering and Agroambiental

Total Credits 240 European credits

To train professionals capable of:

  • Resolving technical problems in the field of Agricultural and Agro-Environmental Engineering providing technical and environmentally viable solutions.
  • To draw up and sign projects whose objective is the construction, reforming, repair, conservation or demolition of industrial buildings, or the manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of facilities and equipment or machinery proper to rural engineering, whenever it is included by its nature and characteristics in the technology proper to the speciality of Agricultural Engineering and that of gardening and landscaping.
  • To direct and manage agricultural companies and operations and livestock, assuming responsibilities such as the control of processes, technical management and the use and design of instrumentation, machinery and facilities together with other elements proper to rural and agro-environmental engineering and green spaces.
  • To design technical strategies and management to evaluate resources and to improve the sustainability of agrarian and livestock systems, together with the production of raw ingredients and fresh agricultural and livestock produce,  for human and animal consumption to obtain fair, affordable healthy and sustainable foodstuffs.
  • To develop functions linked to the management of quality and the environment, the taking of measurements, calculations, evaluations, appraisals, expert opinions, studies, reports and other similar work, with total responsibility and with absolutely no restrictions within the sphere of speciality.
  • To evaluate companies, administrations and international bodies on questions related to the production of foodstuffs, environmental impact, agricultural policy and producing healthy and sustainable foodstuffs.
  • To communicate in other languages, mainly English, create relationships in intercultural environments, work in teams, remain up to date on advances in the field and pursue studies at the highest level (Masters’ and PhD degree level).

The degree does not have special mentions and all of the graduates with the degree will have the professional attributes of a Technical Agricultural Engineer specialising in Rural Mechanization and Constructions. However, two optional itineraries, among others, are being considered (Farming and Horticultural and Gardening Exploitations) which would allow the students to obtain additional attributions in their specialities, having passed more than 240 ECTS, as can be seen later in the syllabus.  In this case (double attributions), The Mention would be recorded in the title of the “Farming Exploitations” or “Horticulture and gardening” Degree.

Study Centree School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Complutense 3
28040 Madrid
91 336 56 00
Web Page http://www.etsiaab.upm.es/