Politécnica de Madrid

Industrial Engineering

Total credits 400 credits
Curriculum in force 2000 Curriculum
Years of study 5
Course Contents The course is planned to cover 5 years (10 semesters). The contents of the first 5 semesters are standard. In the 6th semester students do the standard subjects, in addition to those of their specialist area.

The Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering places particular emphasis on attaining two basic objectives: firstly, to train Industrial Engineers who will help to develop industry, public administrations and services; and secondly, to encourage a broad research and development programme applicable to scientific and technical advances in Spain within the context of Europe.

Highlights of the path leading to these objectives can be seen in the numerous fruitful and promising industrial projects, both within Spain and abroad, in which our students and lecturers have taken part.

The UPM Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering has become a renowned institution in scientific and professional contexts in the European Union and the United States.

Studying at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering means studying at one of the most prestigious centres of its type in the world, which is an added attraction to the degree and will help to open doors for students in a professional activity as exciting and wide-ranging as Industrial Engineering.

Taught at School of Industrial Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
C/ José Gutierrez Abascal, 2
28006 Madrid
91 336 30 60
Web Page www.etsii.upm.es