Politécnica de Madrid

Technical Industrial Engineering, specialising in Industrial Chemistry

Total credits 255 credits
Years of study 3
Curriculum in force 2002 Curriculum

Technical Industrial Engineering is aimed at creating and monitoring processes and systems, and particularly at applied techniques and project programming in practice, encouraging the use of multiple disciplines, specialisation and knowledge recycling, all of which are highly important for adapting to the technological changes in the modern world.

However, our objectives in the training of students as intellectual men and women receiving a university education are not limited to a series of theories and technologies within each specific area, or even to a broad, universal, general culture. We also aim to encourage our students to look for new horizons with a creative and critical approach both in their personal endeavour and in the work of others. In short, in our understanding the University serves society and is obliged to provide society with a group of professionals trained to do their work correctly, improving the quality of life of individuals while caring for the natural environment, at the same time as the industrial skills required continue to play a major role.

Taught at School of Industrial Design and Engineering
Campus Madrid Ciudad
Ronda de Valencia nº 3
28012 Madrid
91 336 76 99
Web Page www.etsidi.upm.es