Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in Forestry Engineering

Total ECTS Credits 240 ECTS Credits
  • To train professionals in the fields of planning, industrial processing of forest products, and assessment and sustainable management of forest areas and the rural environment.
  • To enable students to obtain multidisciplinary training through which they will specialise in areas such as forest planning; forest industries; environmental assessment; project management; techniques for analysing and processing information; and sustainable management in the forest sector.
  • To enable students to:
    • Direct or participate in forest management projects.
    • Draw up and implement forestry engineering projects.
    • Conduct projects in the field of forest industries.
Specialisation The degree includes two itineraries aimed at the specialisation in Forest Management and Forest Industry.
Study Centre School of Forestry Engineering and Natural Resources
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Ciudad Universitaria, s/n
28040 Madrid
91 336 70 73
91 336 76 52
Web page www.montesymedionatural.upm.es