Politécnica de Madrid

How to quote a bibliography?

Our aim is to offer some directions for the drawing up and presentation of bibliographical quotations and references, whose use may be necessary in a work or research study (adapted text from the library of the Carlos III University)

Monographs | Parts of monographs | Mass-produced publications | Mass-produced articles | Legislation | Patents | Regulations| Congresses | Congress proceedings | Theses | Reports | Documents |
Electronic texts, databases and computer programs | Parts of electronic texts, databases and computer programs | Contributions in electronic texts, databases and computer programs | Complete mass-produced publications | Articles from mass-produced electronic publications | News bulletins and discussion lists | electronic messages |



The ISO 690-1987 regulation and its UNE 50-104-94 equivalent established the criteria to be followed for the drawing up of bibliographical references. They establish the order of the bibliographical reference elements and the conventions for the transcription and presentation of the information. However, the punctuation and typographic style are not prescriptive, which is why they are a simple recommendation in these guidelines. In order to specify some reference elements, abbreviations, etc. we have been guided by the ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) or the AACR (Anglo-American cataloguing rules). [See the BIBLIOGRAFÍA section]

The reference data will be taken from the document to which they refer: the source document. It is extracted mainly from the cover and other parts of the work where deemed necessary.
Elements can be added that do not appear in the source document, with the aim of completing the information. These elements will be enclosed in squared brackets [ ] or between brackets or parenthesis ( ), normally below the modified element.

Authorship and responsibility
• The name of the person may be abbreviated to his or her initials.
• When there are several authors they will be separated by a comma and a space. If there are more than three authors, just the first is stated with the remaining authors summarised as et al.
• In the case of anonymous works, the first reference element will be the title.
• After the family name(s) and name(s) of the publishers, directors, compilers or coordinators, it is necessary to add the abbreviation corresponding to the type of function carried out: comp., coord., ed., etc.
• If the author is an entity, the name will be indicated exactly as it appears in the source:
- In governmental entities the geographical name will be stated in the first place followed by the name of the institution. e.g.: SPAIN. MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY. GENERAL DIRECTION DE TAX
- If the name that identifies the entity is ambiguous, the name of the city, town or village in which it is found will be included in brackets. e.g.: NATIONAL LIBRARY (Madrid)

• It is written in italics, just as it is in the source document.
• The title of the translation into our language may be added below between squared brackets.
• Subtitles may be written after the title separated by a colon and a space: (: )
• The abbreviated titles may be added on order to quote mass-produced publications.

• If the edition is different from the first, it will be put on record just as it appears in the publication.

Publication DATA
• The geographical location in which the document has been published in its original language. Where deemed necessary, the name of the province, state or country may appear in brackets
• If there is more than one place of publication or more than one publication, the most significant will be quoted with the others written as "etc.".
• If the place of publication is not specified, a probable place will be quoted between squared brackets followed by a question mark"?". If no place is indicated, then put [s.l.] (sine loco)
• In the name of the publication, generic terms such as publication, editions, etc. may be omitted, except if it forms part of the name.
• If the name of the publication does not appear in the document, the abbreviation [s.n.] (sine nomine) may be added.
If the date of publication appearing on the document is not correct, the date is written followed by the real date between squared brackets.
• If the date of publication appearing on the document is several years, state the first and last years. E.g.: 2000-2002
• If the year of publication is not known, it may be substituted by the date of its legal depositing, copyright or the date of printing, in order of priority. E.g.: DL 2000, cop. 1999, print. 1980
• If we do not have an exact date of publication we can put an approximate date as follows .E.g. ca. 1907, 197?
• If we are quoting an unpublished document we put "(in print)" instead of the date.

• For printed documents we must state the number of pages or volumes as necessary. E.g.: 439 p., 8 vol.
• For non-printed documents we must state the number of pieces. E.g.: 4 slides

* The elements highlighted with an asterisk are optional.


FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title of the book. Other people involved in the monograph (translator; prologue writer; illustrator; coordinator; etc.)*. Number of publication. Place of publication: Publication, Year de publication. Number of pages*. Series*. Notes*. ISBN
BOBBIO, Norberto. Autobiografía. Papuzzi, Alberto (ed. lit.); Peces-Barba, Gregorio (prol.); Benitez, Esther (trad.). Madrid: Taurus, 1988. 299 p. ISBN: 84-306-0267-4
El Lazarillo de Tormonth. Marañón, Gregorio (prol.). 10a ed. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1958. 143 p. Colección Austral; 156.

FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). "Title of the part". En: Responsibility for the complete work. Title of the work. Publication. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Location of the part in the work.
SNAVELY, B.B. "Continuous-Wave Dye lasers I". En: SCHÄFER, F.P. (ed). Dye lasers. Berlin: Springer, 1990. p. 91-120.
TEROL ESTEBAN, Alberto. "El nuevo modelo de financiación autonómica : una aproximación desde el punto de vista of the empresario-contribuyente". Dins: XX Aniversario of the Círculo de Empresarios, 20 temas para el futuro. Madrid : Círculo de Empresarios, 1997. p. 85-92

Title of the publication in italics. Responsibility. Publication. Identification of the instalment. Place of publication: publisher, date of the first volume – date of the final volume. Series*. Notes*. ISSN
Boletín económico. Banco de España. 1998, nº 1. Madrid : Banco de España, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1979- .ISSN: 0210-3737
IEEE Transactions on computers. IEEE Computer Society. 1998, vol 47. Los Alamitos (Ca): IEEE Computer Society, 1988. ISSN 0018-9340.

FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). "Title of the article". Secondary responsibility. Title of the mass publication. Publication. Location of the source document: year, number, pages.
LLOSA, Josep, et al. "Modulo scheduling with reduced register pressure". IEEE Transactions on computers.1998, vol 47, núm. 6, p. 625-638.
ALVAREZ, Begoña; BALLINA, F. Javier de la; VÁZQUEZ, Rodolfo. "La reacción of the consumidor ante las promociones". MK Marketing + Ventas. Nº 143 (Enero 2000) p. 33-37

Country. Title. Publication, date of publication, number, pages.
Spain. Constitutional law 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, of the Código penal. Boletín Oficial of the Estado, 24 de noviembre de 1995, núm. 281, p. 33987.

MAIN RESPONSIBILITY. Name of the element patented. Subordinate responsibility. Notes*. Identifier of the document (country or office in which it is registered). Type of patent document. Number. Year-month-day of publication of the document.
ENTITY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REGULATION. Title. Number or code of the regulation. Publication. Place of publication: Publisher, Year de publication.
AENOR. Gestión of the I+D+I. UNE 166000 EX, UNE 166001 EX, UNE 166002 EX. Madrid: AENOR, 2002.

To be quoted as a monograph.
FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title. Secondary responsibility *. Number of Publication. Place: Publisher, Year de publication. Number of pages or volumes*. ISBN
Actas del Congreso de Historia de la Lengua Española en América y España: noviembre de 1994 - febrero de 1995. M. Teresa Echenique, Milagros Aleza y M. José Martínez (eds.).València : Universitat, Departamento de Filología Española, 1995. 564 p. ISBN: 8480022698.

To be quoted as a monograph.
FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). "Title of the part". En: FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title of the complete work. Secondary responsibility *. Number of Publication. Place: Publisher, Year de publication. Series*. ISBN
CEREZO GALÁN, Pedro. "La antropología of the espíritu en Juan of the Cruz". En: Actas of the Congreso Internacional Sanjuanista, (Ávila 23-28 de septiembre de 1991), v. III. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1991. P. 128-154

FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). "Title of the tesis". Direction. Type of tesis. [Type de document]. Academic institution at which the thesis is presented, place, year.
LASCURAIN SÁNCHEZ, María Luisa. "Análisis of the actividad científica y of the consumo de información de los psicólogos españoles of the ámbito universitario durante el período 1986-1995". Director: Elias Sanz Casado. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, 2001.

Published reports: FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title of the report. Place of publication: Publisher, Year. Series, number of the series. (Availability)
1999 Informe del Mercado de Trabajo. [Guadalajara]: Dirección Provincial of the Instituto Nacional de Empleo de Guadalajara, 2000. 155 p.

Unpublished reports: FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). "Title of the report". Unpublished report. Body producing the report, Year.
GUIRADO ROMERO, Nuria. Proyecto de conservación y recuperación de una especie amenazada, Testudo graeca, a partir de las poblaciones relictas of the sureste español. Informe inédito. Almeria: [s.n.], 1988. 115 p. Informe técnico Dirección General de Medio Ambiente.

Recordings: FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title. []. Place: Publisher, Year.
WAGNER, Richard. El drama musical wagneriano. [Grabación sonora]. Barcelona: CYC, 1998.
BARDEM, Juan Antonio. Calle Mayor. [Vídeo]. Madrid : Paramount Pictures : El Mundo , [2002]. 1 disco compacto.
Progamas de radio y televisión: Nombre del programa. Responsibility. Entidad emisora, date of emisión.
Jorge Luis Borges. Director y presentador: Joaquín Soler Serrano. RTVE, 1980. Videoteca of the memoria literaria ; 1
Graphical materials: FAMILY NAME(S), Name(s). Title. [Specific designation of the type of document]. Place: publisher, year.
BALLESTEROS, Ernesto. Arquitectura contemporánea. [Material gráfico proyectable]. 2a ed. Madrid : Hiares , [1980]. 32 diapositivas. Historia of the Arte Español; 57.


These documents are in an electronic format, created, stored and disseminated in a computer system. They could be definitive or not either in form or content.
The ISO 690-2 regulation specifies the elements that have to be included in the bibliographic quotation of the electronic documents and establishes a compulsory order of the elements of the reference.
It also offers a series of conventions for the transcription of and presentation of the information obtained from an electronic document.
The source information will be obtained from the document itself which has to be available. The date of the consultation is essential for the on-line documents.
The types of possible supports are: [on line] [CD-ROM] [magnetic strip] [diskette]
The specifications for the drawing up of the bibliographical references of the electronic documents, in general, follow the same guidelines as for printed documents.

* The elements highlighted with an asterisk are optional.
** The elements highlighted with two asterisks are compulsory for on line documents.


The main person responsible. Title [type of support]. Secondary people responsible*. Publication. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication, Date of update or revision, [date of consultation]**. Physical description *. (Collection)*. Notes*. Availability and access**. Normalized number *
Examples (en norma ISO 690-2):
CARROLL, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [on line]. Texinfo ed. 2.1. [Dortmund, Alemania]: WindSpiel, November 1994 [ref. de 10 de febrero de 1995]. Disponible en Web: <http://www.germany.eu.net/books/carroll/alice.html>. Igualmente disponible en versiones PostScrip y ASCII en Internet: <ftp://ftp.Germany.EU.net/pub/books/carroll/>
U.S. ISBN Agency. The Digital World and the Ongoing Development of ISBN [on line]. New Providence, N.J.: RR Bowker, s.d. [ref. de 16 de agosto 2002]. Disponible en Web: http://www.isbn.org/standards/home/isbn/digitalworld.asp>.
Otros: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Catálogo [on line]: of the biblioteca.
<http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/biblio/default.htm> [Consulta: 21 de abril de 1999]

Main person responsible (for the main document). Title [type of support]. Secondary people responsible (for the main document *). Publication. Place of publication: Editor, Date of publication, Date of updating or revision [date of consultation]**. "Designation of the chapter or part, Title of the part", number and/or location of the part within the main document*. Notes*. Availability and access**. Normalized number *
Examples (en norma ISO 690-2):
CARROLL, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [on line]. Texinfo. ed. 2.2. [Dortmund, Alemania]: WindSpiel, November 1994 [ref. de 30 marzo 1995]. Chapter VII. A Mad Tea-Party. Disponible en World Wide Web:

These are those parts of documents which have a single and independent part form the other parts of the document containing it.
Main person responsible (for the main document). Title [type of support]. Secondary people responsible (for the main document *). Publication. Place of publication: Editor, Date of publication, Date of updating or revision [date of consultation]**. "Designation of the chapter or part, Title of the part", number and/or location of the part within the main document*. Notes*. Availability and access**. Normalized number *
Examples (en norma ISO 690-2):
Political and Religious Leaders Support Palestinian Sovereignty Over Jerusalem. IN Eye on
the Negotiations [on line]. Palestine Liberation Organization, Negotiations Affairs Department, 29 August 2000 [ref. de 15 agosto 2002]. Disponible en Web: <http://www.nad-plo.org/eye/pol-jerus.html>.
Belle de Jour. Magill's Survey of Cinema [on line]. Pasadena (Calif.): Salem Press, 1985- [ref. de 1994-08-04]. Accession no. 0050053. Disponible en DIALOG Information Services, Palo Alto
MCCONNELL, WH. Constitutional History. The Canadian Encyclopedia [CD-ROM]. Macintosh version 1.1. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1993. ISBN 0-7710-1932-7.

Main person responsible, Date of publication [date of consultation]**. Physical description*. (Collection)*. Notes*. Availability and access**. Normalized number *
Examples (en norma ISO 690-2):
Journal of Technology Education [on line]. Blacksburg (Virginie): Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989- [ref. de 15 marzo 1995]. Semestral. Disponible en Internet: <gopher://borg.lib.vt.edu:70/1/jte>. ISSN 1045-1064.
Profile Canada [CD-ROM]. Toronto: Micromedia, 1993- . The Canadian Connection. Acompañado por: User's guide. Configuracion necesaria: IBM PC ó compatible; lector CD-ROM MPC Standard; DOS 3.30 ó más; 490 kB RAM; MS-DOS Extensiones 2.1 ó más. Trimestral.

Main person responsible (for the article). "Title (of the article)". Title (of the main publication) [type of support]. Publication. Designation of the number of the part. Date of update or revision [date of consultation]**. Location of the part within the main document. Notes*. Availability and access**. Normalized number *
Examples (in the ISO 690-2 regulation):
STONE, Nan. The Globalization of Europe. Harvard Business Review [on line]. May-June 1989 [ref. de 3 septembre 1990]. Disponible en BRS Information Technologies, McLean (Virginie).
PRICE-WILKIN, John. Using the World-Wide Web to Deliver Complex Electronic Documents: Implications for Libraries. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review [on line]. 1994, vol. 5, no. 3 [ref. de 1994-07-28], pp. 5-21. Disponible sur Internet: <gopher://info.lib.uh.edu:70/00/articles/e-journals/uhlibrary/pacsreview/v5/n3/pricewil.5n3>.
ISSN 1048-6542.
Otros: CUERDA, José Luis. "Para abrir los ojos" [on line]. El Country Digital. 9 mayo 1997 nº 371. http://www.elpais.es/p/19970509/cultura/tesis.htm/uno [consulta: 9 mayo 1997]

Title [type of support]. Secondary people responsible. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication [Date of consultation]**. Notes*. Availability and access**
Example (en norma ISO 690-2):
PACS-L (Public Access Computer Systems Forum) [on line]. Houston (Tex.): University of Houston Libraries, Junio 1989- [ref. de 17 mayo 1995]. Disponible en Internet: <listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu>.

Distributed by bulletins or lists: Main person responsible for the message. "Title of the message" [type of support]. In: Title (of the bulletin or list). Number and/or location of the message [Date of consultation]**. Notes*. Availability and access**
Example (in the ISO 690-2 regulation):
PARKER, Elliott. "Re: Citing Electronic Journals". En: PACS-L (Public Access Computer Systems Forum) [on line]. Houston (Tex.) : University of Houston Libraries, 24 November 1989; 13:29:35 CST [citado 1 enero 1995;16:15 EST]. Disponible en Internet: <telnet://brsuser@a.cni.org>.

Personal electronic messages: Main person responsible for the message. "Title of the message" [type of support]. Date of the message. Note with the type of message
Example (in the ISO 690-2 regulation):
Thacker, Jane. "MPEG-21 project stream on digital item identification" [on line]. Mensaje en: <iso.tc46.sc9@nlc-bnc.ca>. 3 octubre 2000; 13:33 EST [ref. de 6 octubre 2000; 13:10 EST]. Message-ID: <002f01c02d60$051a64a0$22a2580c@vaio>. Communication personal.


There are two types of presentation:
1. The references that go at the end of the work are generally ordered alphabetically in accordance with the first element (author or title).
2. The bibliographical quotations are ordered numerically in the order in which they appear in the text.
In the case of having several documents from the same author, the element of the first element is replaced in the second and subsequent references by a line. For example:
Graham, Sheila. College of one. New York: Viking, 1967.
_____________. The real F. Scott Fitzgerald Thirty-five years later. New York: Grosset &Dunlap, 1976.


A quotation is a brief form of reference placed between brackets within a text or added to a text in the form of a footnote at the end of a chapter or at the end of the complete work. The quotation allows the publication from which it the paraphrased idea extracted to be identified.
For example: (Umberto Eco, 1993, p.240-245)
Chapter 9  of the ISO-690 regulation defines the relationships between the references and the bibliographical quotations, and the different ways of making a quotation.


INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION ORGANIZATION. Documentation ¬Références bibliographiques- contenu, forme et structure. Norme international ISO 690:1987 (F). 2a ed. Genève: ISO, 1987, 11 p.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION ORGANIZATION. Information ¬Références bibliographiques. Partie 2: Documents électroniques, documents ou parties de documents. Norme international ISO 690-2: 1997 (F).Genève: ISO, 1997, 18 p.
AENOR: Documentación. Referencias bibliograficas. contenido, formas y estructura. UNE 50 104 94. Madrid: AENOR, 1994.

AENOR. Documentación : recopilación de normas UNE / AENOR. 2ª ed. Madrid: AENOR, 1997.
Consult the ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) for the different types of document.
Consult the AACR (Anglo-American cataloguing rules).

AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. ApaStyle.org. Style tips [on line]. APA, s.d. <http://www.apastyle.org/styletips.html>. [Consultation: 9 September 2002]
The Chicago manual of style. 14th ed. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press,1993. ISBN: 0-226-10389-7
THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. Gibaldi, Joseph (ed. lit.). 2nd ed. 1998. 343 p. ISBN: 0-87352-699-6
THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Gibaldi, Joseph (ed. lit.). 5th ed. 1999. 332 p. ISBN: 0-87352-975-8
HARNACK, Andrew; KLEPPINGER, Eugene. Online! A reference guide to use internet sources [on line]. Bedford/St. Martin's, update 2001 [Consultation 9 September 2002]. Chapters 5-8. Citation styles. <http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/citex.html>
CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Citation & Style Guides [on line]. Last updated on July 18, 2002. <http://juno.concordia.ca/services/citations.html> [Consultation: 9 September 2002]
Internet citation guides. Citing Electronic Sources in Research Papers and Bibliographies [on line]. Susan Barribeau (comp.); Jessica Baumgart (act.) Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Memorial Library, updated: March 7, 2001. <http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/Memorial/citing.htm> [Consultation: 9 September 2002]
ESTIVILL, Assumpció; URBANO, Cristóbal. Cómo citar recursos electrónicos [on line]. Versión 1.0. [Barcelona]: Universitad de Barcelona. Facultat de Biblioteconomía y Documentació, 30 mayo 1997. <http://www.ub.es/biblio/citae-e.htm> [Consultation: 9 September 2002]