Posgrados propios de la UPM


Web https://www.digitwin4ciue.eu/master-digital-twins/
Impartición 02 de octubre de 2023 - 31 de julio de 2024
Inscripción 30 de junio de 2023 - 23 de octubre de 2023
Matriculación 20 de julio de 2023 - 23 de octubre de 2023
Créditos 60 ECTS
Plazas 250
Matrícula 9750 €
Observaciones: 8.500 financiado por una Institución asociada o por estudiante-Precio reducido inscripción anticipada (7.000€)/Precio entidad no asociada (9.750€)-Precio reducido inscripción anticipada (8.000€).
Modalidad - On-line - Presencial
Titulación Requerida Titulación Universitaria(Licenciado, Ingeniero, Arquitecto, Ingeniero Técnico, Arquitecto Técnico, Diplomado)

The subjects, and the competences acquired in the Executive Master have been designed with a practical orientation to enable students to acquire the most relevant digital skills needed in the field of Digital Twins applied to infrastructures. In addition, the courses will facilitate the understanding of the benefits of the creation and development of digital twins and will enable them to address the complex problems often encountered in the planning, design, construction, operation and management of infrastructures and urban ecosystems.

The objectives of the Master's course and the subjects that make it up as a whole meet the following requirements:

1.PRACTICAL FOCUS in the sessions, exercises will be developed that will allow for continuous assessment through the use of state-of-the-art systems and software. Likewise, for a correct communication with the students, the subject guides will reflect not only the software requirements but also the bibliography to be consulted.

2. ONLINE, LIVE teaching in the afternoons. Due to the characteristics of this Executive Master, the classes are interactive and with practical approach, so the classes will be taught online, htrough live sessions in the afternoons. Attendance to live sessions is essential to allow a fluid communication with teachers, to solve any doubts that arise during the sessions, ant to continuosly assess how students are following the lessons

3.OBJECTIVES AIMED at the planning, design, project, implementation, maintenance and management of Digital Twins in infrastructures and urban environments.

4.CONTENTS ALIGNED with the objectives of the programme: they will have the necessary flexibility to adapt to the different profiles of teachers and students. This will make it possible to accommodate both advanced and novice users within the same master's degree.

5.PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Some necessary competences have been established at the beginning of the programme in order to get the most out of the knowledge offered.

a. In order to choose the subjects of basic competences, those in which the competences to be acquired in them are not achieved must be selected.

b. For non-core subjects, it must be verified that the necessary competences are available to be taken or those core subjects that provide them must be taken beforehand.

6.COORDINATED SUBJECTS. The subjects will be taught by several lecturers from one or different entities between whom direct communication and effective coordination will be established. The teaching team of each subject will have developed the programmes, contents, competences, assessment systems and timetables in a collegiate manner, ensuring coordination in all these areas.


The Executive Master in Digital Twins for infrastructures and cities is designed to train engineers and architects related to the civil engineering and building sectors working in strategic areas such as transport, smart cities, mobility, energy, water and the environment in Digital Twins for Complex Infrastructures and Urban Ecosystems.

The master's degree has an international character as it is part of a joint degree awarded by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (ITU), The Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem (BME). All these universities are part of the EELISA alliance and are members of the DIGITWIN4CIUE project whose main task is the design, preparation and delivery of a master's degree in Digital Twins with application to civil engineering.

The programme has been designed to provide industry professionals with comprehensive training in the technologies needed to plan, design, project, develop, implement, maintain and manage digital twins in the field of civil engineering and construction. The planning of the master's degree has been developed in executive mode to allow it to be combined with professional performance. The master's degree culminates with a final project (Capstone Project) in which it is ensured that students will be able to develop significant contributions in the field of Digital Twins in civil engineering, thus ensuring the professional and applied nature of the contents received.

The master's degree will be taught by professors from the participating universities, as well as by professors from other universities, and also by experts in the field belonging to leading companies in the sector (Typsa, Nommon, D3S Dassault). Collaboration with companies is currently being finalised for the management of the Capstone Projects, which ensures the practical and totally professional nature of the studies.

Secretaría Fundación Agustín de Betancourt
Teléfono +34910674105