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Contact information

Address:ISOM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación. Edificio López Araújo, Avenida Complutense Phone number:910672593 Website: Email:

Wafer cutting service

ISOM Science and Technology Service within the framework of the field of processing techniques research.

Technological Offers type

Research and innovation areas

Industry, Materials and Circular Economy


Available from: 2015

Diamond disc cutter

Description of the services offered

Silicon, or other material, wafer cutting into different pieces with the geometry desired by ISOM’s technicians.

Training external clients to use the cutter. The possibility of cutting their own samples.

Needs requested and applications

The use of an entire wafer is not necessary to optimise production processes. The wafer can be divided into more manageable pieces with the desired geometry using the cutter.

Sector or area of application

Electronics, optics, optoelectronics

Differential skills

It is a professional cutter with numerical control that enables precise cuts to be made, even with sizes of only a few millimetres.

Previous references for provision of services

Where it is

ISOM. HTSE for Telecommunications

Request for service

Protocolo de Acceso