Ramón y Cajal


Área Temática Ciencias agrarias y agroalimentarias
Subárea Agricultura y forestal
Número total de plazas por área 1
Grupo de investigación Plant Innate Immunity and Resistance to Necrotrophic Fungi
Departamento/Centro Biotecnología-Biología Vegetal - Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (UPM-INIA/CSIC)
Plazas ofertadas 1
Responsable Antonio Molina Fernandez



"Plant immunity mediated by cell wall derived glycans: mechanisms of glycans recognition and activation of disease resistance responses in plants (crops)
Biochemical and structural characterization of cell walls of plants and associated microorganisms, including purification of specific cell wall structures (glycans) from fungi/oomycetes (Molecular Associated Molecular Patterns, MAMPs) or plants (Damage Associated Molecular Patterns, DAMPs) that modulate plants (crops) immune responses and disease resistance. Identification and characterization of plant (crops) Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) perceiving cell wall-derived glycans (MAMPs/DAMPs) and characterization of downstream components triggering disease resistance responses."